Garnet (M817)
Hornkees, Ziller Valley, Tyrol, Austria
Hornkees, Ziller Valley, Tyrol, Austria
Hornkees, Ziller Valley, Tyrol, Austria
Garnet (M817)

Hornkees, Ziller Valley, Tyrol, Austria
84 x 59 x 48 mm
As collector of Austrian minerals I saw plenty of garnets from Tyrol. But this one stands out the crowd for so many reasons and it is one of the most remarkable specimen I ever saw from Alps. Let me start with the matrix - it´s not just this grey with touch of green shists matrix; it shows really green color and on some ateas it even seems to have a green-blue shimmer. usually crystals from the locality are glossy with streight faces - not this one - each face consists of uncountable tiny steps, aöll of them razor-sharp and all with an uncommon fine luster. Finally about color - nearly all of these crystals are dark, almost black and opac. This one shows a very dark red color and along the edges (for about 5mm) it is even trasnlucent when backlit. After 40 years of collecting minerals from Austria I honestly can say - I never had a better one. The specimen from one of the best and most famous alpine collections in Austria - ex Karl Podpeskar coll.